Title: Generate Motivation Letter with AI


  • One page application with a simple navbar/header.
  • Two main elements on the page:
    • Form group for sending request to the backend (see the form items below)
      • Employee Name (text-input)
      • Employee skills (text-area)
      • Job description (text-area)
      • Min and Max character (number-input)
      • Submit button
    • List group for waiting/processed requests
      • Title (Employee name)
      • Status (Waiting/Done) p.s: you can use status badge etc.
      • Content (if it's done show the content, otherwise you can put a standard message or spinner)


  • Keep it simple but with a good design perspective
  • You can divide the screen into two parts, one for form group and one for list group
  • You can use Bootstrap if you wish or plain HTML/CSS

Tech Tips:

  • Install Git (https://git-scm.com/downloads)
  • Clone the branch (git clone)
  • Add you files and commit your changes when you're done
  • Push your changes to the branch

(More details about git: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-First-Time-Git-Setup)