alpha0010/react-native-file-access of an empty directory "returns" an error instead of []

dcorbin opened this issue · 3 comments

react-native: 0.73.1
react-native-file-access: 3.0.4
Platform: IOS (untested on Android)

Bug should be giving back an empty array, but it's giving me an error:
<Failed to list '.../Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/EFBB9369-7017-4DFB-9849-711E7B13FB8F/data/Containers/Data/Application/725BAB6C-1A19-4CE1-B526-960817C14CB7/Library/Sounds'>
(Note: this is running in the Simulator).
To reproduce
Make an empty directory, and then call on that directory

If I add a file to the empty directory, it does not error-out. I don't have hand demo, but will attempt to make one later this week.

Are you able to try v3.0.5? It has slightly more detailed iOS error messages, which should help debug this issue.

I will try to do so within the next few days.

It's not happening now. Sorry.