
Missing files in french update package

baptxste opened this issue · 6 comments

I'm trying to finetune the french model on personnal data but it seems that all files about rnnlm are missing :
Is it possible to use the one provided in the en-model ? If not, do you have the files for the french model ?

If not, do you have the files for the french model ?

What model do you need an update package for? What model are you trying to modify?

I'm trying to modify this model provided by the vosk website but the files mentioned above are missing.
I downloaded the english version( to compare and the files are present in this package. Can I use theses files in the french model to improve it ?

I'm trying to modify this model provided by the vosk website but the files mentioned above are missing.

Linto model doesn't use llm rescoring, our vosk-model-fr does use it

I downloaded the english version( to compare and the files are present in this package. Can I use theses files in the french model to improve it ?

You need a model with rnnlm support, english files are not going to work in french model

Ok thanks for the clarification. The big french model ( ) seems to be rnnlm based but there is no compile package for it. Do you have one or can I use the script from the en-us compile package ?
Is it possible to finetune the acoustic model of the Linto compile package "easily" or do I need to finetune directly from kaldi ?

Do you have one or can I use the script from the en-us compile package ?

You can get it by writing us an email

Is it possible to finetune the acoustic model of the Linto compile package "easily" or do I need to finetune directly from kaldi

There is no easy finetuning for the acoustic model

Ok thanks I willl write you an email right now.