
Sigsegv on loading the model [java and kotlin jvm]

rebokdev opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello, i have created a basic compose multiplatform desktop app
and i have a LaunchedEffect(Unit) { ... } (launched effect just launches the code as a coroutine
when the UI is ready) in it which loads the vosk
model by creating an instance of Model providing the path

but when i run my code the jvm sigsegv's
if i put vosk model loading
outside of the compose code the same thing happens
only when i remove all compose stuff
then it doesn't sigsegv

from what i checked the
problems could be related to mem
menagement for ex. in every
error log i see free space=1009k
where i have much much more free space

i useed visualvm and i got:
Size: 220,200,960 B

Used: 99,295,008 B

Max: 4,148,166,656 B

I tested it with the polish model and the minimum in size english model


Hard to guess, you can first check if demo example work for you then add your code gradually.

It works if I don't initialize compose

maybe it conflicts with coroutines?
*as a solution, i'm initializing vosk before compose and then i can use vosk without any problems