
Test across our supported browsers

Closed this issue · 5 comments

We should run our tests in the different environments that we support

This should not replace manual testing where appropriate but will catch simple issues like #323 and more complex issues in the future (if we used a ES5 feature without polyfilling for example)

I was thinking we could use sauce labs' free open source tier.

I'm looking into this but raising encase I don't have the time. 👍

@NickColley thanks for raising this. Can you give more detail on the ES5 feature issue so when we come to tackle this we know the full history of the issue?

@tombye just an example, I've stopped commits from being merged because they're using ES5 without the author realising it but we could easily miss that.

@NickColley anything you can link to? Might help future story writing to have examples to point to.

(Shared an example with @tombye privately since the purpose of this issue is not to make anyone feel like it's their fault but rather that anyone contributing could make this easy mistake)

Following the launch of the GOV.UK Design System, GOV.UK Frontend Toolkit will now only get major bug fixes and security patches, so I'm going to close this.