
Check if you need a permit - what's the advice we can offer for full address search?

Opened this issue · 6 comments

@lizziebruce @sanjaypoyzer we did not provide example pages for full address search. Please have a look at the attached and advice:
Address lookup
screen shot 2017-10-19 at 13 42 46
screen shot 2017-10-19 at 13 48 19
screen shot 2017-10-19 at 13 48 57

  1. "Address" should be lower case on the CTA buttons copy. Only the first word of any CTA should be capitalised.
  2. Colon not ellipsis please e.g. "We found the following addresses:" not "We found the following addresses..."
  3. Shouldn't put "Verify postcode", it's not plain English. This whole screen however is unnecessary. Please see my separate feedback notes.

Lizzie's notes:

/check-boundary page - after address picker, goes to unneeded screen "Verify Postcode"

Tagging @joanneSouthern to the issue

If the address is eligible the user should be taken straight from the address picker to the resident choice page, removing these two screens from their journey:

screen shot 2017-10-25 at 10 16 22
screen shot 2017-10-25 at 10 16 31

If the address is ineligible, the first screen is not needed and the second needs copy edits (please see my notes in #728 )

done in test
Changed the look of the navigation and typos. The 'Verify Postcode' button is in there as it fires off the postcode check in the database as well as determining which button to display if valid or not. lee did try to incorporate this code into the 'Choose address' button, but broke the whole form!

ah, well this could be something to look into during private beta..