Missing buffer in bufler (fundamental-mode?)
indigoviolet opened this issue · 1 comments
I'm still trying to make sense of bufler-groups, so this might be a bit confused, but I notice that one specific kind of buffer is completely missing from my Bufler, even using the default bufler-groups
The missing buffers are ipynb notebook buffers from ein: they have names like #<buffer *ein:*>
(output of (current-buffer)
). I checked that they aren't file backed ((bufler-group-auto-file (current-buffer))
is nil
I tried introducing a (group (name-match "*Ein*" (rx bos "*ein")))
into the Special subgroup, but it doesn't capture them.
Other ein buffers, for example #<buffer *ein:notebooklist*>
do get shown and organized correctly.
Ibuffer does show these buffers.
Any ideas?
Edit: it actually seems like all fundamental-mode
buffers are missing. I can't seem to capture them using a mode-match
Never mind, just discovered bufler-filter-buffer-modes