
Error: org-find-olp: Buffer needs to be in Org mode

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When I run org-now, I receive the following error:

org-find-olp: Buffer needs to be in Org mode

I am using an org file with just the following contents: * NOW.

And my setting is '(org-now-location '("~/org/productivity/" "NOW"))

When I run describe-mode on the buffer, it states that the major mode is actually org-mode.

And if I run (org-find-olp (list "NOW") 't), it returns #<marker at 1 in> which is correct.

Any ideas what the problem could be?

BTW, thank you very much for this package. I have been doing almost exactly the same procedure manually which was very tedious. :)


Well, the first thing I notice is that the file path ends in a slash. I don't know if that is causing this problem, but ending in a slash would indicate that the path is to a directory, not a file.

Well, the first thing I notice is that the file path ends in a slash.

Yes, that was the problem. I can't believe I didn't notice that. Thanks again.

I pushed this change to hopefully prevent this from happening: d9d6b93