
Package for MELPA

Opened this issue · 17 comments

Package for MELPA

I created a recipe on MELPA with a PR at here melpa/melpa#3764

Thanks but I'm not ready to release it on MELPA yet. Since it requires several steps of manual configuration outside of Emacs, I want to figure out the best way to present the information for MELPA users first.

I think it can be put in README temporarily.

I also need to update the commentary, package info, etc. before putting it on MELPA.

It's ok. MELPA will not merge this recipe until it is ok.

Yes, but I'd rather not send them a PR until it's actually ready to be pulled. Steve is very busy with the PRs that are ready, and they don't need ones that aren't ready cluttering their list.

OK. I will close that PR.

Thanks. I appreciate your help. I'll try to get it on MELPA soon.

That will be great.

Are there still plans to get this on MELPA?

Yeah, I still plan to, but since the package requires manual configuration outside of Emacs and is updated infrequently, it's not a high priority for me at the moment. :)

Great package, many thanks !
It is so great that it should be pulled to MELPA :)

@ragloo Thanks, glad you're finding it useful. I'll probably get to this soon when I finish up a few things.

Looks like most of the required manual config on this package is strictly to get
vanilla org-protocol working. org-protocol is now included in
org-plus-contrib (don't know how long it's been included), which isn't on melpa,
but it is an elpa package on Seems to me if figuring out how to
include documentation for getting started with org-protocol is what's keeping
you from publishing to melpa, might be org-mode's problem, not yours. ;)

I don't know shell much, I think the main problem might on the shell script. If it's possible to use elisp in Emacs. Then to be a package is ok. Also Emacs support shell in some way.

Looks like most of the required manual config on this package is strictly to get vanilla org-protocol working. org-protocol is now included in org-plus-contrib (don't know how long it's been included), which isn't on melpa, but it is an elpa package on Seems to me if figuring out how to include documentation for getting started with org-protocol is what's keeping you from publishing to melpa, might be org-mode's problem, not yours. ;)

The org-protocol is now included in the desktop file for Emacs 29, meaning that for BSD and Linux there's no extra setup needed besides the one already decsribed in the org-mode manual to make the protocol work in each browser.

@Thaodan Thanks, that's good news.