
Add riscv64 support

6543 opened this issue · 7 comments

6543 commented

alpine:edge does already provide docker images for it :)

6543 commented

you other images should stay at latest, would it be ok to create a specific Dockerfile for this case?

and are pulls welcome?

yes, it is


6543 commented

@ozbillwang is it ok to bump base image to edge for other arch images too?

yes -> single Dockerfile
no -> specific Dockerfile

We discussed about tag with edge or latest, finally go with latest.

with alpine:edge, I got some unexpected result, sometime.

So the plan can be:

Create a feature branch, set the base image to alpine:edge, and I can apply the tag as alpine/git:edge-<version>

After riscv64 is supported in alpine:latest, we can merge them into one.

change has been done in branch feature/edge

I can see the images with arch risc64 now.


@6543 Please confirm.

Currently the tags support risc64 are

  • alpine/git:edge
  • alpine/git:edge-2.38.0

the trivy scan is not passed. But that's acceptible, because that's edge version


6543 commented

Wow thanks ❤️