Easily interact with and create anvil chains from python
assumes anvil is already installed, click here if you don't have anvil installed
python3 -m pip install anvil-web3
This example shows how to programatically create an Anvil chain and how to inject the anvil rpc methods to a
web3.py Web3
from web3 import Web3, HTTPProvider
from anvil_web3 import anvil, AnvilWeb3, AnvilInstance
# create an anvil chain
instance = AnvilInstance(
# use the injection function
w3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(instance.http_url))
# or contruct a Web3 object from the AnvilWeb3 class (recommended for better autocompletion support)
w3 = AnvilWeb3(HTTPProvider(instance.http_url))
test_account = w3.eth.account.from_key(w3.keccak(text="42"))
# call an anvil method
w3.anvil.set_balance(test_account.address, 42424242)
assert w3.eth.get_balance(test_account.address) == 42424242 and w3.eth.chain_id == 42
More complex demos in /examples
- anvil_impersonateAccount
- anvil_stopImpersonatingAccount
- anvil_autoImpersonateAccount
- anvil_getAutomine
- anvil_mine
- anvil_dropTransaction
- anvil_reset
- anvil_setRpcUrl
- anvil_setBalance
- anvil_setCode
- anvil_setNonce
- anvil_setStorageAt
- anvil_setCoinbase
- anvil_setLoggingEnabled
- anvil_setMinGasPrice
- anvil_setNextBlockBaseFeePerGas
- anvil_setChainId
- anvil_dumpState
- anvil_loadState
- anvil_nodeInfo
- evm_setAutomine
- evm_setIntervalMining
- evm_snapshot
- evm_revert
- evm_increaseTime
- evm_setNextBlockTimestamp
- anvil_setBlockTimestampInterval
- evm_setBlockGasLimit
- anvil_removeBlockTimestampInterval
- evm_mine
- anvil_enableTraces
- eth_sendUnsignedTransaction