
Home usage has incorrect value

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Screenshot_20230714-171531_Home Assistant Screenshot_20230714-171604_Energy Stats

Screen shots from HA and Energy Stats have significantly different values for Home Usage.

The difference is because Home Usage is calculated from Output Energy but this includes energy from force charging that is also counted in Grid Consumption Energy. The inverter has Input Energy to keep track of this so it can be subtracted from Output Energy.

The difference is clear when you compare Loads Energy with Home Usage.

As its summer and people are not force charging and mostly looking at monthly data, I don't think many will have noticed yet but I expect more will pick up on this as the days shorten.

Hi, thanks. I'm slightly perplexed how this has happened but the iOS and Android apps have different ways of deterring home usage.

iOS uses loadsEnergy direct from the FoxESS feed.
Android uses generation - feedIn + grid.

My guess would be that I need to align Android to iOS and use the loadsEnergy which corresponds more closely to the figure in HA. (at very least they would both then be wrong by the same amount which reduces confusion)