
Out of range solar generated data

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Just a note really, from some data we found calculating the solar generated for PV Output.

It appears there is some rogue data in the Fox Cloud, for example, we got a value for pvPower of 530kW at 06:40 in one person's data.

It's obviously wrong - it's possible at one point, Fox did not recognise signed PV power correctly and entered silly values for -ve values.

So, to stop this, I ignore and kW value I get from the Fox cloud that is greater than 50kW. I also ignore -ve power values as these have no meaning, with one exception. When looking at RPower, I sum +ve and -ve values separately.

The +ve values are Output Energy as you might expect and should add up to Output Energy reported.

The -ve values are Input Energy from when the battery is charging from grid. So, I sum the nergative values separately, take the abs value and store this as Input Energy - this is another approximation you might want to add.

Make sense?