
Stats month does not display correctly

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Select Stats and Month. Browse months, the order is January, March, March, May, May. February and April sometimes appear in the drop down but are not displayed when selected.

This is February:

Screenshot_20230531-073733_Energy Stats

Screenshot_20230531-073742_Energy Stats

This is April:

Screenshot_20230531-073755_Energy Stats

Screenshot_20230531-073724_Energy Stats

Screenshot_20230531-073708_Energy Stats

Screenshot_20230531-074748_Energy Stats

Thanks, looks like the app was subtracting 1 month from the current date (31st May), getting 31st April which is invalid and sticking with May. Not sure why it didn't crash completely.

Fix just pushed to the Play store.

Thanks - obvious now you said it, that these are the months that don't have 31 days! Just luck I suppose that I looked at it today...