
Power versus Energy and Units for Parameters tab

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Sorry if this appears to be pedantic, but probably important to get right?

Power and Energy are different things. Power is the rate of transfer of energy and is measured in watts or kilowatts. Energy is the work or potential work done and is measured in watt-hours or kilowatt-hours. The Stats page in EnergyStats provides a break down of the energy used or stored in a battery and the units are kWh. These are the results of the report queries against the Fox cloud.

The Parameters page in EnergStats provides information about the power available at a specific time and the values and units are obtained from the raw data query of the Fox cloud. This means it is wrong to label a parameter Output Energy in kWh, when the value being presented is the Output Power and is in kW. The same applies to Feed-in, Grid Consumoption, Charge, Discharge and Load - these are all Power values, not Energy values.

The labels and units are correct when viewed in the selection list, these just need to be carried across when the parameter values are being displayed for a specific time selection. So, temperatures should be oC (not kwh). PV1 power should be kW (not kWh), Battery Current should be A, SoC should % etc.

Thanks, this was done on iOS but never on Android as I only recently figured how to do the touch handling. I've removed the fixed kWh unit entirely as that was totally wrong. Will look to add specific units as per the selection view.