What version and network can I use?
jillybob opened this issue · 4 comments
I want to use the strongest network with the latest update, to allow for handicap games, what version do I use, and what network?
I have previously used 0.3 and pangafu G37 network. I have read somewhere recently there is a stronger network that allows for handicap, and now with these updates, I think there is a stronger combo than 0.3+ G37, can someone let me know? Thanks.
- The G series networks are regularly updated at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XrdAxjDQ7Dnz49QRdv9Dfm1P__-rwR3L
- For the latest engine, compile the komi+next branch or use the release https://github.com/alreadydone/lz/releases/tag/komi%2Bv0.42
- For instructions see leela-zero#1772. Best parameters may depend on the number of handicap stones, the network, the opponent, the machine and other settings (number of threads, etc.) but
--min-wr 0.15 --max-wr 0.24 --wr-margin 0.04
may work better in general than the default settings. I think it's appropriate to set --adj-positions equal to 1/8 of the playouts you typically get for each move, and that 2000 should suffice in any case.
Is the LeelaMaster_GX59.txt the best net now?
From what I heard it's at least decent for handicap games if not the best.
By the way, the initial number 5 means training used 50% human games. I think this may improve handicap performance but hamper performance against equal strength opponents.
@alreadydone "the initial number 5 means training used 50% human games. I think this may improve handicap performance but hamper performance against equal strength opponents"
Very good. (It is very rare that "equal strength opponent" appears) I will start tuning.