
Alsa lib is not able to find the UCM .conf files

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Note : the sound card is a Xonar DX ( AV200 )
The alsa UCM files are installed at PATH=/usr/share/alsa
When I try to start alsasound, I get this error ==
alsa-lib-1.2.11/src/umc/main.c:1554: (snd_use_case_mgr_open) error : failed to import hw:1 use case configuration -2
The CMD alsaucm listcards gets this response : list is empty.


Your card is handled in legacy mode (no UCM configuration is defined yet).

Thanks for the info.
Did a build with ucm/topology disabled ... and no error now.

It should not be required. Which service produced this log? It may be ignored.

The service is ' /etc/init.d/alsasound ', using the ' start ' or ' restart ' CMD ( OpenRC init ).

Bad news == pipewire / pulseaudio both have dependencies on ucm / topology.

Is there a way to specify ucm conf syntax version 1 usage? That version did have a config showing for the AV200.

Well this error is a bit like warning. If you see "initialized by generic method" on the command line after this error, then the initialization behaviour does not change. Unfortunately, we miss a better message classification in alsa-lib (we have only errors).