alschel's Following
- agricolamzLinguistic Convergence Laboratory, NRU HSE (
- alexeyknorreBoston College
- bbolkerMcMaster University
- darribas
- e-kotovMax Planck Institute for Demographic Research
- edzerInstitute for Geoinformatics, Universität Münster
- FVortex
- hadley@posit-pbc
- ikashnitskyStatistics Denmark
- iStoriesMediaiStories
- jannes-mUniversity of Jena, Department of GIScience
- jessesadler
- JusteRaimbault
- lexparsimon
- mathewhauerFlorida State University
- pablobarberaUniversity of Southern California
- rCartoCNRS
- shiffman@CodingTrain @ITPNYU @processing @ml5js @nature-of-code @Programming-from-A-to-Z
- thomasp85@posit-pbc, part of @tidyverse team
- tonytonovdxFeed Solutions DE GmbH
- tsamsonovLomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography