
custom domain becomes blank after each deploy

eamanj opened this issue · 4 comments

I am using the theme to host my page on a custom domain. So the custom domain redirects to the github page. However, every time I deploy, my custom domain setting under github pages becomes empty and I have to reset it back to my domain (see image).

I thought I have to set some fields in the _config file, but nothing seemed to retain the custom domain name.
Thank you for the great work!

Screen Shot 2020-10-12 at 12 51 52 PM

I had the same issue. You have to add the CNAME file to your master branch (check in your gh-pages branch to see its content).

By default when you add a custom domain, github adds the CNAME file to your gh-pages branch, which gets overwritten by the build from your master branch).

e.g,. cat CNAME

Hi, thanks for the awesome work.

I realize this is a closed issue, but I noticed that the deploy action located in bin/deploy appears to be actively deleting CNAME files after the Jekyll build. Could this be adversely effecting custom domain settings on

I can confirm that committing a CNAME file to master on the remote repository will keep the custom domain, but I wonder if it's necessary for the deploy action to be actively deleting the CNAME files.

@rsonger I'm getting the same thing

In my ci.yml I had mkdocs gh-deploy --force which removed the CNAME that GitHub added