
cpu very high

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start recording cpu very high on iphone 7plus

Have the same problem at Phone 8 plus. Also with friends noticed that it is low fps at new devices (iPad, iPhone 8 plus, iPhone 7 etc.) but at 3d iPad and iPhone 5s it is working good.

I'm using this library inside a react-native app via react-native-screen-recorder and running into similar performance issues.

Has anyone already figured out how to handle this leaks?

@JanOwiesniak find any solution to this? Seems to work fine on iOS simulator, but I get a black screen video when recorded on a real device.

@ami9000 no i did not. My approach was to not use this library at all.

Luckily the part i wanted to record was part of a Unity Application (inside React Native) so that i could fallback to something from the Unity Asset Store.

My app stack is very specific so i guess this wont help here.