
Crash in iOS8. [__NSCFType CGColor]: unrecognized selector

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I seem to have an app which is crashing with ASValueTrackingSlider. Setting the class of the slider to UISlider, it runs fine.

This is the error given during runtime:

"-[__NSCFType CGColor]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x12345678"

The instance is just a sample, that hex value changes every time.


Hi there,

Yep, I'm getting the same issue. It works in the simulator, but not on the device.

Help, please

Hi folks,
I'll take a look at this during the weekend. It sounds like it's probably a memory issue. This is beta 1 here so who knows what issues may arise?

It could be a bug that is present but from blind luck doesn't cause a crash on iOS7. There may have been a change of API which is causing the problem. Or, there might be a bug in beta 1 of iOS 8 - in which case there's not a lot I can do.

As I said, I'll investigate and see what turns up. Watch this space.


Please take a look at this feature branch to see if it fixes the crashes that you're experiencing:


Yep, works like a dream.


Works perfectly, thanks so much!


Hi folks, thanks for confirming the fix. It's now merged into master f5774c7
