
Updated Cocoapod soon?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Looking at ASValuePopUpView.h on master you have the a property that I need to update the arrow length:

@interface ASValuePopUpView : UIView

@property (nonatomic) CGFloat arrowLength;

However, using the latest Cocoapod, 0.10.1 (which points to tag 0.10.1), this property doesn't exist. Is there a plan to roll out this change in an updated Cocoapod soon?


Thanks for the reminder! This really should have happened a while ago - whoops! My focus has been on various Swift projects, so venturing back to Obj-C tends to feel a little painful ; )
As a temporary workaround you could specify the commit in your podfile. See my response in #46. I'll get this sorted ASAP.

Thanks, I have been using the latest commit in my podfile for now to get the working. This issue was opened just to see if you plan on updating it soon =)


Finally got around to releasing the new version : )