
compatibility with Altair 5.0.0RC1

samesand opened this issue · 4 comments

Is data_server compatible with 5.0.0RC1? I'm getting the following error after I upgraded Altair:
NoSuchEntryPoint: No 'data_server' entry point found in group 'altair.vegalite.v5.data_transformer'

I tried
from altair_data_server import data_server
and I get no errors.

I'm using Python 3.11.2 and data server 0.4.1

Thank you.

Hi. What about this issue? If someone give me hints about internal I could program what is needed.

Facing the same issue.

OK. need to do this.

import altair as alt
from altair_data_server import data_server

alt.data_transformers.register("data_server", data_server)

In Altair 5, the recommended way to work with large datasets is via Vegafusion. The documentation contains a section of how to use the Vegafusion renderer in Altair and if you need additional performance you can use the Vegafusion widget renderer instead.

We are going to archive this repo, so I'm closing all the open issues and PRs before doing so. Try out the new options for working with large data mentioned above and if you run into issues, please open an issue directly in the altair or vegafusion repo.