i3-msg restart is not good enough for i3-cycle-focus.py
jidanni opened this issue · 0 comments
jidanni commented
# OK, I finally got something working I like for i3 and ALT+TAB+TAB+TAB....
# https://github.com/altdesktop/i3ipc-python/blob/master/examples/i3-cycle-focus.py
# downloaded and chmod +x
set $mod Mod1
exec_always --no-startup-id $HOME/.config/i3/i3-cycle-focus.py
bindsym $mod+Tab exec --no-startup-id $HOME/.config/i3/i3-cycle-focus.py --switch
# Then the next day after reboot it works fine.
# i3-msg restart is NOT good enough. Need at least "service lightdm restart".
So maybe allow i3-msg restart to be able to make i3-cycle-focus.py work without needing to restart the DM.
Well all this is probably not worth fixing. So I'll close this.