
A Docker Container for LedFx.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Docker Pulls


A Docker Image for LedFx.


Compiling LedFx to run on different systems is difficult because of all the dependencies. It's especially difficult on a Raspberry Pi (building LedFx on ARM takes over 2 hours). This image has everything built for you, and it can get audio from a Snapcast server or a named pipe.

Supported Architectures

This image supports x86-64, arm and arm64. Docker will automatically pull the appropriate version.


Tag Description
latest The master branch of LedFx.
frontend_beta The frontend_beta branch of LedFx.

Feel free to open an issue if either of these is out of date



version: '3'

    image: shirom/ledfx 
    container_name: ledfx
      - HOST=
      - 8888:8888
      - ~/ledfx-config:/app/ledfx-config

You can add support for network discovery by adding network_mode: host. See use host networking for more information. Adding this can break compatibilty on Windows and Mac.


Volume Function
/app/ledfx-config This is where the LedFx configuration files are stored. Most people won't need to change anything here manually, so feel free to use a named volume.

Environment Variables

Each variable corresponds to a different input method. One of the following variables must be set to send audio into the container (or you can set all of them).

Variable Function
HOST This is the IP of the Snapcast server. Keep in mind that this IP is resolved from inside the container unless you use host networking. To refer to other docker containers in bridge networking (the default for any two containers in the same compose file), just use the name of the container. To refer to use host.docker.internal (compatibilty varies greatly between platforms and versions).


Snapcast is a server for playing music synchronously to multiple devices. This image can act as a snapclient device and connect to a snapserver simply by setting the HOST environment variable, but you need to get audio into Snapcast too.

Fundamentally, Snapcast's server gets its audio from a named pipe. This is where option two comes in; you can send audio directly into this image using its named pipe. Snapcast is useful if you have multiple speakers you want to connect to, you already have a snapserver, or you want to send audio from a separate device and have it play in both LedFx and over the system speaker out (phone -> raspberry pi running Snapcast and LedFx -> speakers).

Support Information

  • Shell access while the container is running: docker exec -it ledfx /bin/bash
  • Logs: docker logs ledfx


  • Check if a direct connection to the PulseAudio server works. Example.

Building Locally

If you want to make local modifications to this image for development purposes or just to customize the logic:

git clone https://github.com/altesockensuppe/LedFxDocker.git
cd LedFxDocker
docker build -t shirom/ledfx .

To build for x86-64 and arm use:

docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm/v7 --tag shirom/ledfx --output type=image,push=false .

Keep in mind, this command takes over 2 hours to finish for arm because of the aubio installation.

If you're looking for ways to contribute, check the TODO or contribute to examples/.