
Documentation outdated

carlblanchard opened this issue · 1 comments

The article on seemed out of date. The article refers to CherrySeed while the class is called CherrySeeder... nothing a major one but also get this exception.

BoDi.ObjectContainerException: ‘Primitive types or structs cannot be resolved: System.IntPtr (resolution path: ManagementStudio.Tests.Steps.EntitySeedingBinding->CherrySeed.CherrySeeder->System.Action`1[[CherrySeed.Configuration.ISeederConfigurationBuilder, CherrySeed, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]])’

??? is this CherrySeed project dead?

Hi, its possible that the naming is not correct. Sorry for that misunderstanding. Newer Specflow versions were not tested with CherrySeed. Its possible that CherrySeed is not compatible with newer Specflow versions.