
not clear how to set the kryo-initializer in the config

Zhen-hao opened this issue · 2 comments

I put

akka-kryo-serialization.kryo-initializer = "com.esotericsoftware.kryo.serializers.TaggedFieldSerializer"

in my config file. but got

[error] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Configured class class com.esotericsoftware.kryo.serializers.TaggedFieldSerialize
r does not extend DefaultKryoInitializer

Maybe I didn't understand it from the doc. Do I need to create a class in my source code?

akka-kryo-serialization.kryo-initializer expects an KryoInitializer (extending the DefaultKryoInitializer) to do your custom initialization.

If you want to change the field serializer you need to create. your XyzKyroInitializer extending DefaultKryoInitializer and then override preInit method:

class XyzKyroInitializer extends DefaultKryoInitializer {
  def preInit(kryo: ScalaKryo): Unit = {

and the configure that one:

akka-kryo-serialization.kryo-initializer = "com.example.XyzKyroInitializer"

Maybe we should improve the documentation with such an example :)

Thank you so much!
feel free to close it since there is a work in progress