
The course project of the Computer Graphics (COM-391) course at AUCA.

Primary LanguageC++


asr is a simple renderer written in C++ for creative coding and data visualization purposes.


Install all the prerequisites first.

  • MSVC (with Visual Studio 2022), Clang (with Latest Xcode or Command Line Tools for Xcode), GCC (any version with support of C++17)
  • CMake (version 3.22 or higher)
  • Conan (version 1.59 or higher)
  • GPU drivers (latest version with stable support of OpenGL 2 or ES 2.0)


Create a build directory and set it as a current working directory:

mkdir build
cd build

Install dependencies with the Conan package manager once:

conan install .. --build missing

On Ubuntu 20.04, you may also have to install the following system packages first:

sudo apt install pkg-config libegl-dev libglu1-mesa-dev

Configure the project to generate IDE or Makefiles:

# On Windows for Visual Studio 2022
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 17 2022"

# On macOS for Xcode
cmake .. -G "Xcode"

# on macOS or GNU/Linux to generate Makefiles
cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles"

Build the project:

cmake --build .

Run the test program from the (!) asr/build/bin/ directory:

cd .. # Ensure that the current working directory is set to the root asr folder.
./build/bin/<name of the graphics test executable>

You may have to set the Working Directory (CWD) in your IDE for some test targets to open image files.