
Flask BoilerPlate Template for Google App Engine

Primary LanguagePython

Cloud Computing Project 2

Team Group 1

  • Rajashekar Reddy Aluka 1217211645
  • Pavan Kumar Bhalkey 1217204157
  • Pushparajsinh Zala 1217568222

Development Setup Requirements

  • Python 3.7 or later
  • Windows, macOS, and Linux development environments are supported

Development Setup Instructions

Assuming the development setup requirements above have been satisfied, run the following in a terminal (git-bash is recommended on Windows) after cloning the repo to set up your local development environment.

# Install local dev requirements, ideally in an isolated Python 3.7 (or later) environment
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Running the Development Server

If you're on Linux or macOS you can run the app via gunicorn, which offers a --reload option and more closely emulates the App Engine production runtime, which uses gunicorn by default.

# Linux and macOS only, use --reload flag to automatically reload on code changes
gunicorn app:application --reload
# Cross-platform, works on Windows, macOS and Linux, albeit without a --reload option available
waitress-serve app:application

The app is viewable at http://localhost:8000 (for gunicorn) or at http://localhost:8080 (for Waitress).

The sample hello endpoint is at http://$HOST:$PORT/api/v1/hello/world

Customizing the HTTP Port

The app runs on port 8000 (for gunicorn) and 8080 (for waitress) by default.

To customize the port, pass the --bind option (for gunicorn) or the --port option (for Waitress) as in the following examples...

# Set gunicorn port to 9000
gunicorn --bind=:9000 app:application --reload

# Set Waitress port to 9000
waitress-serve --port=9000 app:application

Running Tests

The tests are run via pytest, with the configuration file at pytest.ini.

# Run all tests

# Run only a particular test
pytest tests/test_api.py::test_hello

Google Cloud Setup Instructions

The following steps only need to be performed once per local development environment...

  1. Create an App Engine Project at https://console.cloud.google.com/appengine
  2. Download and install the Google Cloud SDK
  3. If on Windows, run the "Google Cloud SDK Shell" application
  4. Type gcloud init in a terminal or in the Cloud SDK Shell
  5. Log in via gcloud auth login in a terminal or in Cloud SDK Shell as needed
  6. Set the active project (created in step 1) via gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
  7. If on Windows or macOS, install the App Engine components via gcloud components install app-engine-python

Deploying to Google App Engine

Ensure the project you want to deploy is selected via gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID, then run the following command at the repo root (where the app.yaml config file is located) to deploy to App Engine...

# Deploy to App Engine
gcloud app deploy

Google Cloud Function Deployment

gcloud functions deploy Translate --runtime=python37 --entry-point=subscribe --trigger-topic=ocr --set-env-vars GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT=ccnew-275119,CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET=ccnew-275119.appspot.com,CLOUD_SQL_CONNECTION_NAME=ccnew-275119:us-east1:clouddb,DB_USER=raja,DB_PASS=cloudcc,DB_NAME=bdb