
Error: ENOENT:

Opened this issue · 3 comments

gulp build:darwin64
[10:25:46] Requiring external module coffee-script/register
[10:25:48] Using gulpfile ~/Desktop/electron/
[10:25:48] Starting 'resources:darwin'...
[10:25:48] Starting 'kill:darwin64'...
[10:25:48] Finished 'kill:darwin64' after 41 ms
[10:25:48] Starting 'download:darwin64'...
[10:25:48] Verifying requested version (v0.31.1)
[10:25:48] Finished 'resources:darwin' after 158 ms
[10:25:55] 'download:darwin64' errored after 7.26 s
[10:25:55] Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, rename './build/darwin64/' -> './build/darwin64/'
at Error (native)

👍 same here

Please see

I used superkit there, but I upgraded it a lot. Please note the app is not fully released, so some things (e.g. the updates) don't work correctly. I'm slowly fixing everything

I am still getting this issue. Has anyone found a solution for it?