Doesn't work using dein lazy load
andersonba opened this issue · 3 comments
andersonba commented
Doesn't work
call dein#add('alvan/vim-closetag', {'lazy':1, 'on_ft': ['html', 'htmldjango', 'xhtml', 'jinja']})
call dein#add('alvan/vim-closetag', {'lazy':0, 'on_ft': ['html', 'htmldjango', 'xhtml', 'jinja']})
austincrft commented
It also doesn't work with vim-plug's filetype-loading:
Plug 'alvan/vim-closetag', { 'for': ['html', 'xml'] }
CallumHoward commented
alvan commented
I pushed a new commit to support vim-plug's filetype-loading, now it should work.
But actually, I don't think lazy-loading is necessary for this plugin since this plugin itself can handle specified file types(names).
So I will close this issue now.