
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'days'

taglitis opened this issue · 1 comments

I tried to use AAPL data to define trend for the last two years.
I set up window_size = 5 it gave, an error below. I changed it to 10, it ran ok. Then, changed the ticker to AMZAN it gave me the error for 5 and 10.

Please, let me know if you have any suggestions

AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
File G:\My Drive\development\swing\
385 print('script is completed')
390 if name == 'main':
--> 392 main()
402 # WMA

File G:\My Drive\development\swing\, in main()
280 df['day'] = df['timestamp'].dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
281 # trend_df = alpaca_paral_data_col([ticker], start_date_ms, end_date_ms, timespan = 'day', multiplier=1)
282 # print(f'{ticker} i = {i} trend_df\n', trend_df.head())
283 # trend_df = sf.trend_define(ticker, start_date_ms, end_date_ms)
--> 284 trend_df = sf.trend_define_trendet(ticker, start_date_ms, end_date_ms)
285 print(f'{ticker} i = {i} trend_df\n', trend_df.head())
286 df = df.merge(trend_df[['ticker', 'day', 'trend']], on=['ticker', 'day'], how='inner')

File G:\My Drive\development\swing\, in trend_define_trendet(ticker, start_date_ms, end_date_ms)
195 trend_df = alpaca_paral_data_col([ticker], start_date_ms, end_date_ms, timespan = 'day', multiplier=1)
196 trend_df['close'] = trend_df['close'].astype('float64')
--> 197 trend_df = trendet.identify_df_trends(df=trend_df,
198 column='close',
199 window_size=5,
200 identify='both')#.rename(columns={'Up Trend': 'trend'})
201 trend_df['trend'] = trend_df['Up Trend'].notnull().replace({True: 'uptrend', False: None})
202 trend_df['Down Trend'] = trend_df['Down Trend'].notnull().replace({True: 'downtrend', False: None})

File ~\Anaconda3\envs\VENV_SWING_P3_9_11\lib\site-packages\trendet\, in identify_df_trends(df, column, window_size, identify)
587 for down in results['Down Trend']:
588 if down['from'] < up['from'] < down['to'] or down['from'] < up['to'] < down['to']:
--> 589 if (up['to'] - up['from']).days > (down['to'] - down['from']).days:
590 flag = True
591 else:

AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'days'

looks like this issue has been discussed already #8