
LeetCode problems & solutions

Primary LanguagePython

LeetCode Problems & Solutions

LeetCode Logo

This repository contains solutions to LeetCode problems.


Algorithms Logo

Completed 19 out of 1902 (unpaid) problems

Progress Bar

No. Problem Difficulty Languages
1 Two Sum Difficulty
2 Add Two Numbers Difficulty
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Difficulty
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Difficulty
5 Longest Palindromic Substring Difficulty
6 Zigzag Conversion Difficulty
7 Reverse Integer Difficulty
8 String to Integer (atoi) Difficulty
9 Palindrome Number Difficulty
10 Regular Expression Matching Difficulty
11 Container With Most Water Difficulty
12 Integer to Roman Difficulty
13 Roman to Integer Difficulty
14 Longest Common Prefix Difficulty
15 3Sum Difficulty
16 3Sum Closest Difficulty
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Difficulty
23 Merge k Sorted Lists Difficulty
25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group Difficulty


Database Logo

Completed 36 out of 45 (unpaid) problems

Progress Bar

No. Problem Difficulty Languages
175 Combine Two Tables Difficulty
176 Second Highest Salary Difficulty
177 Nth Highest Salary Difficulty
178 Rank Scores Difficulty
180 Consecutive Numbers Difficulty
181 Employees Earning More Than Their Managers Difficulty
182 Duplicate Emails Difficulty
183 Customers Who Never Order Difficulty
184 Department Highest Salary Difficulty
185 Department Top Three Salaries Difficulty
196 Delete Duplicate Emails Difficulty
197 Rising Temperature Difficulty
262 Trips and Users Difficulty
511 Game Play Analysis I Difficulty
584 Find Customer Referee Difficulty
586 Customer Placing the Largest Number of Orders Difficulty
595 Big Countries Difficulty
596 Classes More Than 5 Students Difficulty
601 Human Traffic of Stadium Difficulty
607 Sales Person Difficulty
608 Tree Node Difficulty
620 Not Boring Movies Difficulty
626 Exchange Seats Difficulty
627 Swap Salary Difficulty
1050 Actors and Directors Who Cooperated At Least Three Times Difficulty
1084 Sales Analysis III Difficulty
1141 User Activity for the Past 30 Days I Difficulty
1148 Article Views I Difficulty
1179 Reformat Department Table Difficulty
1393 Capital Gain/Loss Difficulty
1407 Top Travellers Difficulty
1484 Group Sold Products By The Date Difficulty
1527 Patients With a Condition Difficulty
1581 Customer Who Visited but Did Not Make Any Transactions Difficulty
1587 Bank Account Summary II Difficulty
1667 Fix Names in a Table Difficulty


Shell Logo

Completed 2 out of 4 (unpaid) problems

Progress Bar

No. Problem Difficulty Languages
192 Word Frequency Difficulty
193 Valid Phone Numbers Difficulty


Concurrency Logo

Completed 6 out of 6 (unpaid) problems

Progress Bar

No. Problem Difficulty Languages
1114 Print in Order Difficulty
1115 Print FooBar Alternately Difficulty
1116 Print Zero Even Odd Difficulty
1117 Building H2O Difficulty
1195 Fizz Buzz Multithreaded Difficulty
1226 The Dining Philosophers Difficulty