Contents setter not working as expected
peterzjx opened this issue · 1 comments
soup = TexSoup.TexSoup(r'\a{b}{c}{d}')
soup.a.contents = ['x', 'y', 'z']
['b', 'c', 'd', 'x', 'y', 'z']
Also, soup.a.args[0].contents[0] = 'x'
works in 0.2.0 but not in the latest version.
Directly setting soup.a.args[0]
allows the right hand side to be various types, such as text or TexNode without error, but when calling contents
later one would get maximum recursion depth exceeded error in iteration of descendants.
What I would like to achieve, is an extension of the current replace
feature. In the case parent
not having children, it will go through parent.args
to find the node and replace it. However in the case where args[0]
has two or more contents
, not being able to change in-place would break the DFS iteration outside.
After some investigation it seems to be a common issue for python getter/setter wrapper, as the grammar .contents[0] =
calls the getter of contents
instead. Workaround involves accessing the internal .contents_
which is not very elegant.