Latex/Lyx templates for the thesis specifications of South China University of Technology (SCUT,华南理工大学)
- 610211757
- ahangchenDJI
- CieloSunSouth China University of Technology
- CourierKyn@momotech
- cylbf2
- dddzgSCUT
- eeyhsongPhD student@Tsinghua
- Erick-Jia
- firejq@Tencent
- fulgariundefined
- hahaschoolThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
- hiudawn
- leisijiShenzhen,China
- lemoncybChangsha
- MaiLunJiye
- metowolf@tencent
- pdlanIN, United States
- Sampson-LeeUniversity of Texas at Dallas
- scutbioinformatics
- scutDavid
- SeaLoongChina
- sintocosGuangzhou
- techperfect
- TzeHimSungNetease
- Vanshoose
- weaponhe
- wesoooo
- wnduan
- xiezheng-csSCUT-SMIL
- xinyang1991728
- xzheweiNone
- Yangmomo1978CUG
- yhnmj6666
- Younggl
- ypmai
- zhanzekunWechat Tencent