
Colorize terminal output

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT



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Still in early development stage, meaning windows support should come in near future. For now, windows 10 users should be able to use it with win32console gem, but it's not tested yet.

Kolorit allow you to easily colorize any string, integer, array, hash, without touching core classes. Use methods #colorize and #kolorize for power of Ruby blocks.

How to install

GitHub repo is always updated before rubygems.

git clone https://www.github.com/alx3dev/kolorit.git
cd kolorit
bundle install

Install from rubygems:

gem install kolorit

How to use:

  • require kolorit gem in your file
# you can call method on string only if you include module outside of main namespace.
# that's what happen when you require kolorit

require 'kolorit'
'this is red string'.red
  • Inlcude kolorit module to be used where you need it
# if you include it inside another class/module, call methods with arguments

require 'kolorit/linux' # or 'kolorit/windows'

include Kolorit::Linux # or ::Windows

blue 'some string'
red 'red bold string'

#colorize accept color as first argument, and string as second
#kolorize accept string as first argument and color as second

Both of this methods also accept block - #colorize block should return :color, while #kolorize block should return 'string' to be colorized.

You can allow methods to automatically #puts or #print colorized string:

# this call without arguments is same as with :puts
Kolorit.output :puts
# or
Kolorit.output :print

# everything else is same as false
Kolorit.output false

Enable or disable colorization globally:

# or

Examples are better then documentation, so until I write docs...

[example 1]

colorize(:green) do
  if RUBY_VERSION.start_with?('3')
    'Happy Coding!'.bold
    'You should try Ruby 3, it is much better!'

[example 2]

def color_line(param)

  # check if kolorit is enabled (default: true)
  status = Kolorit.enabled?

  # enable kolorit if disabled

  # colorize param based on it's class
  colorize(:cyan) do
    case param.class.name
    when 'String'
    when 'Integer'

  # keep module status same as before method action
  Kolorit.disable unless status

[example 3]

# enable automated #puts or #print
Kolorit.output :puts

# define message to print
message = 'Thank you Matz, for Amazing Ruby '

# print bold cyan message based on block evaluation
colorize(:bold) { RUBY_VERSION[0] == '3' ? message + '3' : message + 'language'}.cyan

# disable output
Kolorit.output false