
Music Sharing app built with MVC design pattern allowing users to register and do CRUD operations on ( songs, artists, genres ).

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Music Sharing app

Built using MVC design pattern.

  1. allowing users to do CRUD operations like:
    • GET: (songs, artists, genres).
    • POST: (songs, artists, genres).
    • PUT: (songs, artists, genres).
    • DELETE: (songs, artists, genres).
  2. Register and login
  3. Authenticatetion and Authorization.
    • Utilize Passportjs, sessions to Authenticate users.
    • Authorization done by allowing only the user who created the (song, artist, genre) to update or delete it.

Database Schema

database schema

what I learned

  • Handling uploded files using multer.
  • Host Imgaes on Cloudinary.
  • Form Validation with express-validator.
  • Mongoose.
  • Cookies and sessions
  • Passportjs
  • pug.js


  • auth/singup.
    • registration form.
  • auth/login.
    • login form.
  • catalog/
    • The home/index page.
  • catalog/objects/
    • The list of all songs, artists or genres (e.g. /catalog/songs/, /catalog/genres/, etc.)
  • catalog/object/id
    • The detail page for a specific song, artist user, or genre with the given _id.
  • catalog/object/create
    • The form to create a new song, artist or genre (e.g. /catalog/song/create).
  • catalog/object/id/update
    • The form to update a specific song, artist or genre with the given _id.
  • catalog/object/id/delete
    • The form to delete a specific song, artist or genre with the given _id.