Trying to include only one font with multiple weights breaks
mdavis1982 opened this issue · 4 comments
Trying to add just one font with multiple variants doesn't include all variants. For example:
@include web-font(Ubuntu, (400 700));
This only includes the 400 weight. Doing this makes it recognise both weights:
@include web-font(Ubuntu, (400 700,1));
@mdavis1982 OK I tried the proper mark up but for some reason not only the comments are made into blocks...So sorry for the mark-up issues. but all on the next line can be copied and should work properly. Cheers.
* This is a fairly big mixin.
* The reason for this is that at the time of writing (09/01/2013),
* Sass does not include functions for substring or find/replace in string.
* Chris Eppstein sent a Pull Request to Sass with the str-extract (substring) function back in June,
* but it still has not been merged, due to lack of minor comments.
* That was five months ago.
@mixin web-font($fonts, $variants: (), $subsets: (), $text: '', $effects: ()) {
$url: "//";
$i: 0;
// Add the family argument to the URL string.
// We can assume that the user will always specify at least one font.
@each $font in $fonts {
$i: $i + 1;
// Add the name of the font.
$j: 0;
@each $word in $font {
$j: $j + 1;
$url: $url + $word;
// Add a plus symbol between words.
@if $j < length($font) {
$url: $url + "+";
// [ADDED] get the possible variants list for each $font.
$totalVariants: nth($variants, $i);
// [UPDATED] If there is/are font variant(s) for this font, add them.
@if (length($totalVariants) > 0) {
$url: $url + ':';
$k: 0;
@each $variant in $totalVariants {
// @each $variant in $variants {
$k: $k + 1;
$url: $url + $variant;
// Add a comma between variants.
// For some reason length($variant) doesn't work. Weird!
@if ($k < length(nth($variants, $i))) {
$url: $url + ',';
// Add a pipe between words.
// It would seem that a pipe isn't a valid URL character in its unescaped form,
// but Google reccommend using it anyway.
@if $i < length($fonts) {
$url: $url + "|";
// Add the subset argument to the URL string, if it exists.
@if length($subsets) > 0 {
$url: $url + "&subset=";
$i: 0;
@each $subset in $subsets {
$i: $i + 1;
$url: $url + $subset;
// Add a comma between subsets.
@if $i < length($subsets) {
$url: $url + ',';
// Add the text argument to the URL string, if it exists.
// $text does not actually need to be enclosed in brackets.
@if length($text) > 0 and $text != '' {
// To save the user the hassle of adding a space character every time they want
// to use a web font, we add one automatically.
$url: $url + "&text=%20#{$text}";
// Add the effect argument to the URL string, if it exists.
@if length($effects) > 0 {
$url: $url + "&effect=";
$i: 0;
@each $effect in $effects {
$i: $i + 1;
// Add the name of the font.
$j: 0;
@each $word in $effect {
$j: $j + 1;
$url: $url + $word;
// Add a hyphen between words.
// A hyphen can actually be used to seperate words instead of a space,
// in which case the words will be counted as one and no extra hyphens will be added.
// Again, a string replacement function would make this a lot easier…
@if $j < length($effect) {
$url: $url + "-";
// Add a pipe between effects.
@if $i < length($effects) {
$url: $url + "|";
@debug #{$url};
// Finally!
@import url(#{$url});
Thanks @jwwisman! Seems GitHub don't notify me of issues on my own repos, so I didn't actually see this until just now. I'll carry out some more tests with your code and try to get it merged.
I tired using the code given by jwwisman and it still doesn't render more than one variable so:
@include web-font (("Open+Sans"),(400italic,600italic,400,600,700,800))
renders as:
@import url(//;
in the CSS
In conelisonc .sass version
@include web-font (("Open+Sans"),(400italic, 600italic, 400, 600, 700, 800))
renders as:
@import url(;
A work around for this bug (however not preferred) is to use individual includes:
@include web-font (("Open+Sans"),(400italic))
@include web-font (("Open+Sans"),(600italic))
@include web-font (("Open+Sans"),(400))
@include web-font (("Open+Sans"),(600))
@include web-font (("Open+Sans"),(700))
@include web-font (("Open+Sans"),(800))
Which render as:
@import url(;
@import url(;
@import url(;
@import url(;
@import url(;
@import url(;
Or the above mentioned:
@include web-font (("Open+Sans"),(400italic 600italic 400 600 700 800, 1))
you can replace the ,1 with any number as it wont render
Hi! I just finished rewriting the mixin for Sass 3.3, and it should now support multiple weights properly. Please let me know how it goes. :)