
squeeze TensorBuffer

linzissu opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm tring to test on my model to encode an image. I got a [1, 400, 400 3] tensorBuffer ("hidden_img" below) after forwarding but I want to squeeze the tensor to [400, 400, 3] before calling TensorImage.fromTensorBuffer( tensorBuffer ). Is there any method to squeeze tensorBuffer like squeeze in numpy. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

  TensorImage encode(TensorImage image, List<double> secret) {
    print("success enter encode! ");

    /// Iutputs List
    var inputs = [image.buffer, secret];

    /// Outputs buffer
    TensorBuffer out_secret = TensorBufferFloat(_outputShapes[0]);
    TensorBuffer hidden_img = TensorBufferFloat(_outputShapes[1]);
    TensorBuffer residual = TensorBufferFloat(_outputShapes[2]);

    /// Outputs map
    Map<int, Object> outputs = {
      0: out_secret.buffer,
      1: hidden_img.buffer,
      2: residual.buffer,

    /// run
    _interpreter.runForMultipleInputs(inputs, outputs);

    print("run success!");
    // List<int> shapes = [400, 400, 3];
    // hidden_img.resize(shapes);

    return processOutputImage(TensorImage.fromTensorBuffer(hidden_img));

  TensorImage processOutputImage(TensorImage image) {
    //resize and normalize image
    imageProcessor =
        ImageProcessorBuilder().add(NormalizeOp(0, 1 / 255)).build();
    // add();
    //process image one by one
    TensorImage output_image = imageProcessor.process(image);
    return output_image;

Hey there, @linzissu, did you find a solution to the problem?