
Conflict when TouchableOpacity in Card

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I found a bug that keep the close button visible when there is a TouchableOpacity button with a "onPress" function in the card and it has been pressed.
In that case, when I close the card, the close button still remain visible and in overflow of everything else in the app.

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone X - 2019-07-11 at 17 28 07

Will check and will be fixing this.

Thanks for reporting this bug.

Hi @yuriceschin , can you provide more details or if possible your code. Because I can't replicate it using the example.

As you can see there are cards in the example implementation with TouchableOpacity.

This can be reproduced if you have a Card open and save a file and trigger a hot reload. Reloading the app (cmd+R) fixes the close button again.