How inVisible route and remove path and markers
saeedata opened this issue · 5 comments
hi thanks for your lib
how remove and invisible path and marker after draw
i also face same problem can u please provide us solution
The alpha branch has lot of bug fixes. Its now a simple view instead of a custom map fragment. Try it, you will be able to set it up in your project easily. @amitnain4
You can make the view invisible as of now. I will add a function to hide the route and markers explicitly.
Thanks @amalChandran for your quick help .
but in alpha branch R.styleable.MapOverlayView ,R.styleable.MapOverlayView_routeStartMarkerImg
messing . i check but there is no styles.xml file in this library . so request you to please resolve this .
thanks again
@amitnain4 The missing files are added. Please check now.
@amalChandran thanks buddy .