Mini Project: Data Fetching Mobile Application

Mini Project Mini Project Mini Project

API Integration

  • Rick and Morty API (for character data):
    • Endpoint: /character - Fetches a list of characters.


  • Data Listing:

    • Fetch and display a list of items from the chosen public API.
  • Search Functionality:

    • Implement a search bar to filter the list based on user input.
  • Detail View:

    • Allow users to tap on an item in the list to view detailed information about it.
  • UI/UX:

    • Design a clean, intuitive interface that is responsive across different devices.
    • Use appropriate visuals and design patterns to enhance user experience.
  • Error Handling:

    • Handle API errors gracefully by allowing users to retry fetching data. If data fails to load, users will be presented with a retry option to attempt fetching the data again.

Setup and Installation

To set up and run the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
  2. Navigate to Project Directory

cd mini-project
  1. Install Dependencies
npm install
  1. Start the Expo Development Server
npm start
  1. Scan barcode to open the app on your mobile phone
Make sure you have ExpoGo download on your phone

Folder Structure

Here is an overview of the project's folder structure:

├── app/                   Screen components for different views
│   ├── _layout/              Entry point of the application
│   └── index/                Index screen
│   └── detail/               Detail screen
├── assets/                   Static assets like images and icons
│   ├── images/               Image files used in the app
│   └── icons/                Icon files used in the app
├── components/               Reusable React components
│   ├── Header.tsx            Header component
│   ├── ItemList.tsx          ItemList component
│   └── Modal.tsx             Modal component
|   └── SearchBar.tsx         SearchBar component
|   └── ViewAnimation.tsx     ViewAnimation component
├── constants/            Constant values like colors and dimensions
│   ├── Colors.ts             Color constants
├── services/                 API service and utility functions
│   ├── apiClient.ts          API configurations
│   └── endpoint.ts           Endpoint
├── utils/                  utils folder
│   └── index.ts              date format
├── app.json                Expo configuration file
├── package.json            Project dependencies and scripts
├──               This file


Once the app is running, you can:

  • View Data: The home screen will display lists fetched from the Rick and Morty API.
  • Search: Use the search bar to filter through the data.
  • View Details: Tap on any item to see detailed information.


Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests if you have any improvements or fixes.