Flipkart is one of India's leading e-commerce platforms offering a wide range of products.
Deployment Link - https://flipkartclone-pi.vercel.app/
Backend Deployment Link - https://flipkart-clone-o5h3.onrender.com
Client: React.js | Redux | Material UI
Server: Node.js | Express.js | MongoDB | Bcrypt | cors | JWT
github: To maintain repository and version control.
VS Code: To write React.js, CSS, Node.js, and Express.js code.
Microsoft Edge,Google Chrome & Mozilla Firefox: To check the functionality and run the code.
- Home page
- Login | Signup page | Logout
- Individual product page
- Cart Page
- Search Functionality
- Payment Gateway Integration
- Responsive Layout
- Authentication using JWT
- Hashing the pasword using Bcrypt
- MongoDB
- Searching
- Add to Cart
- Buy Now
GitHub: https://github.com/aman1722/flipkart_clone