
Please share the changes you had made in flute_music_player plugin

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like the function toMap()

I had made few changes to the original library to match the app needs. The updated class Song is as below.

class Song {
  int id;
  String artist;
  String title;
  String album;
  int albumId;
  int duration;
  String uri;
  String albumArt;
  int isFav=0;
  int timestamp=0;
  int count=0;

  Song(, this.artist, this.title, this.album, this.albumId,
      this.duration, this.uri, this.albumArt,{this.isFav=0,this.timestamp=0,this.count=0});

  Song.fromMap(Map m) {
    id = m["id"];
    artist = m["artist"];
    title = m["title"];
    album = m["album"];
    albumId = m["albumId"];
    duration = m["duration"];
    uri = m["uri"];
    albumArt = m["albumArt"];
  static final Columns=["id","artist", "title", "album", "albumId", "duration", "uri", "albumArt","isFav","timestamp"];

  Map toMap(){
    Map<String,dynamic> map={
    return map;

Error like that,
How to fixed it


Thanks you,


where i have to paste this code?

@Nimto007 where i have to use this cod, i mean in which section?

where i have to paste this code?

You need to paste the code at the place where you installed your flutter sdk
Go to
flutter ->.pub-cache -> hosted-> -> flute_music_player-0.0.6 -> lib -> flute_music_player.dart
then at the end of that file you can see " Class song " and replace the whole class with the given class.
Hope this is helpful.๐Ÿ™‚