
#02 ­- Paragraphs Module

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At the end of this course, you will be able to

Create paragraph types
Use paragraphs in content types to display grouped fields appropriately.


Create a Paragraph type ­ “Social Media” with the following fields ­ 1) Embed Code (Text field that accepts any long text and is rendered without any filters (Hint: Create a text format called “Raw”) and 2) Link
On the Article Content type ­ Add a new field referring to the above paragraph type created (Multiple values allowed).
Configure display of the paragraph type and the article content type such that the embed code and link are displayed as on the screengrab attached.

Bonus Exercise

Theme the paragraph type such that the 2 fields (Embed code and link, wherever they are shown on any content type, are rendered in 2 columns as below:

        <td>Embed Code</td>