
#04 ­- Migration 101

amansrivastava opened this issue · 0 comments


At the end of this course, you will be able to

Import content from MySQL/CSV dump to content types, taxonomies in Drupal.


Create a movie content type with fields ­ Title (text), Plot(Formatted Text), Actors (Node Reference), Genre(Term Reference)
Actors and Genres are simple content type and vocab respectively with no additional fields
Import the CSV dumps from here to populate the movie nodes in Drupal using Migrate API.
Preview Content: Movies, Actors

Bonus Exercise

Let’s try some preprocessing while migrating. In the plot field of the movie, remove the word “the” (wherever it occurs, irrespective of the letter case).
Add an Image field to the Movie content type. Update the migration script to use the dump file with images. Re­run the migration such that the images are downloaded and attached to the movie nodes.