
Linux code to share file using socket

Primary LanguageC


Project veriosn :


Project overview :

-The aim of this application is to make a two PC (aka client) connect using socket to share a directory.

-The user can use some bash command to maybe, list the directory files this options will be extended all along the project.

-Basically, we will have a server and client, we will use HTTP /IP standard for this project.


  • C, bash and maybe other language will be used in this project to make it functional and simple as much as we can.


*The entire process can be broken down into following steps:

*TCP Server

-using create(), Create TCP socket.

-using bind(), Bind the socket to server address.

-using listen(), put the server socket in a passive mode, where it waits for the client to approach the server to make a connection.

-using accept(), At this point, connection is established between client and server, and they are ready to transfer data.

-Go back to Step 3.

*TCP Client

-Create TCP socket.

-connect newly created client socket to server.

Useful link



