
c++ SFMl game

Primary LanguageC++

How to Install :

install sfml :-sudo apt-get install libsfml-dev
install make :-sudo apt-get install make
-cd Space-Invaders
-make clean

Generale info:

*Game control : escape to close game
Use the Ui panel to start the game or
Up key : to go up
Down key : to go down
Left key : to go Left
Right key : to go Right
Sapce :for shotting

*Game name:Sapce Invaders
*version :0.8
sti ll some open issue *here we use :entity-component pattern ,Strategy pattern(composition),Factory pattern ,C++ smart pointers(shared pointers,Unique pointers),assertions.

diagram 1:

In the preceding diagram, we can see that a screen has one or more UIPanel instances that it can display selectively and that UIPanel instances can have zero or more Button instances. Each UIPanel will have a related InputHandler because each UIPanel will have different combinations and layouts of buttons. The buttons are shared via pointers between UIPanel and InputHandler instances

diagram 2:

The structure of the file I/O and factory classes: