
Rendering with layouts

johnpaulashenfelter opened this issue · 0 comments

I may be doing something wrong, but I'm trying to add a layout so I can standardize some metadata in the JSON output.

I've got an layouts\api.jb file and I've requested that layout in the controller generating the json output.

ArgumentError in Api::PostsController#show
unknown keywords: id, title, slug, blurb, classification, higher_ed, sponsor_label, comment_count, share_count, tags, authors, image, date, content, description, schema, meta, chartbeat

Extracted source (around line #172):
    def initialize(*)
      @html_safe = true

    def initialize_copy(other)
.bundle/gems/activesupport- `initialize'
.bundle/gems/activesupport- `initialize'
.bundle/gems/actionview- `new'
.bundle/gems/actionview- `set'
.bundle/gems/actionview- `render_with_layout'
.bundle/gems/skylight-0.10.6/lib/skylight/probes/action_view.rb:32:in `block in render_with_layout'
.bundle/gems/actionview- `block in instrument'
.bundle/gems/activesupport- `block in instrument'
.bundle/gems/activesupport- `instrument'
.bundle/gems/activesupport- `instrument'
.bundle/gems/actionview- `instrument'
.bundle/gems/skylight-0.10.6/lib/skylight/probes/action_view.rb:31:in `render_with_layout'
.bundle/gems/actionview- `render_template'

I've tried ERB layout template, using content_for, assigning the template output to variables (including instance vars) and using yield or ERB rendering. All lead to similar issues.

Am I totally missing something simple @amatsuda ?