
Unknown keyword problem

zeitnot opened this issue · 3 comments

I am using rails Basically when I set { id: ''} value to .jb template file it says unknown keyword: id. Then I add .to_json at and end of { id: ''} hash expression. But at this stage it produces bad JSON-like string which browsers do not understand.


Due to the fact that there are special characters in this string browsers do not understand whether the string is JSON or not even if the server sends Content-Type: application/json header. Maybe there is a proper way but as I read from the documentation I could not find any way.

JB essentially calls to_json on whatever your template returns as a final value/object, so when you call to_json yourself, you're basically forcing JB to call to_json on an already JSON-ified string, which is why you're getting that 2nd error. I don't know if you have anything (aside from the basic hash you've shown us in your template), but I don't see why id as a key in a hash would cause JB or Ruby to interpret it as a variable rather than a key name. Have you tried using id as a string instead?

{ "id": "" }

@binarydev I have tried the syntax like following:

{ "id": "" }

It says unknown keyword: id. But when I try

{ "id" => "" }

it says no implicit conversion of Hash into String

Update: Problem solved! I had to add render layout: false to my Rails controller action.

Original question:

Did you ever figure this out? I'm running into the exact same problem.

Here's the surrounding code Rails 5.1 shows along with the error message:

      [302, { "Location" => @target }, []]
    else # <-- here's where it goes wrong